Upload your own jiu jitsu videos, annotate them with timestamped techniques, and categorize them based on content

Store all your Jiu Jitsu videos, completely searchable, in one place

Set your videos to public to share with the community, or to private to simply track your Jiu Jitsu evolution
Creating a post
  1. Press the + button on the top navigation bar of your profile
  2. Select a video
  3. Apply technique annotations
    i) Slide the video progress bar to the start of a technique and press "Start"
    ii) Slide the video progress bar to the end of a technique and press "Stop"
    iii) Tap the "Name" field to open the list of available techniques. Select the technique you'd like and swipe down to dismiss the technique selection menu.
    NOTE: If your video contains a technique not available in the app, you may create a new one by clicking "Create new technique" and filling out the required technique form - see the video below under "Creating a post with new techniques" for details.
    iv) Toggle the person icon on the far left to indicate which athlete is performing the move.
  1. Describe your video by filling out the provided from fields:
    i) Title
    ii) Description
    iii) Thumbnail
    iv) Tagged users
    v) Content category
    vi) Target audience (skill level)
    vii) Visibility: public / private
  2. Upload!

Creating a post with new techniques

Jiu Jitsu is a rapidly evolving sport where each athlete has their own unique style, which means new techniques are beings created regularly. We can’t ignore this fact - we can’t expect one person to define all of 10th planet jiu jitsu all at once - the app would be narrow in scope and “out of date” in a matter of months. This being the case, we must support user-generated techniques.

To add a new technique to the app

  1. Create a new post (click the + icon on your profile) and select your video.
  2. Select the "Name" field in the "Mark Techniques" view to open the list of available techniques.
  3. Click the "Create new technique" at the top of the technique list
  4. Fill out the form describing your technique.
  5. Done! Your technique is now available for all other app users to view, index and search on.
Private vs Public

Use 10pIndex to keep track of your Jiu Jitsu evolution.

You don't have to share everything with everyone - mark your videos as private and they'll only be accessible by you under the middle tab of your profile.

Apply any video filter to your own Jiu Jitsu videos to retrieve your desired content.

Join 10pIndex
Create, store, and search Jiu Jitsu videos and techniques
Start Now

iOS & iPad Only