Video Library
Apply search and filter queries to quickly retrieve desired video content, or simply browse the feed of jiu jitsu videos.

Watch any video in the app and follow along with highlighted techniques.

Share, save, or comment on videos you find interesting.
Search for video with specific techniques

For the times when you can only remember part of a video you've seen or part of a flow you've drilled - just filter on the parts you remember, and we'll find what you're looking for.

Personal anecdote -
I have short legs, which means setting up a Dead Orchard requires a lot of steps. I can't always remember all of them, but I know there's a route with "Invisible Collar" and "Muddy Waters." To find a video of the route I'm looking for, I apply the technique filters:  "Invisible Collar" AND (Match All) "Muddy Waters", which returns two videos with the Mexican Dead Orchard setup.

NOTE: "Match All" vs "Match Any" on the technique filters

  • Match All = For a video to appear, it must contain ALL selected techniques
  • Match Any = For a video to appear, it must contain at least one of the selected techniques.

    This case requires the "Match All" filter to ensure only videos with BOTH techniques appear.
Rubber Guard Videos

Want to watch some rubber guard videos?

  1. Open Video Filters
  2. Select Techniques
  3. Open Technique Filters
  4. Apply "Position Category = Rubber Guard"
  5. Select all rubber guard techniques you'd like to include in your
    search (Match Any).

    NOTE: "Match All" vs "Match Any" on the technique filters
    - Match All = For a video to appear, it must contain ALL selected techniques
    - Match Any = For a video to appear, it must contain at least one of the selected techniques.

    This case requires the "Match Any" filter to ensure all videos containing any sort of rubber guard appear.
  6. Dismiss the filters to view video results
Search Videos by Title

Use the search bar to search for videos by title.

Title search queries can be applied along with all other video filters.

Videos by Category

Apply the category filters to get the types of videos you'd like to watch

Categories currently include:

  • Flow
  • Instructional
  • Live
  • Movement Drill

Watch Video

Watch any video in the app and follow along with technique annotations.

Comment / Share / Save

Engage with the community and exchange knowledge by discussing videos and techniques in the comments, and sharing videos with other users.

Save videos you like for quick and easy access.

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Create, store, and search Jiu Jitsu videos and techniques
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