Search and filter app users by belt rank and 10th Planet School
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Browse anyone's videos by selecting their name from the list of users.

Filter Users by Gym and Rank

Filter the user list based on 10th Planet School and belt rank.

Filtering users by gym

  • For when you’re curious about the style of teaching or the style of movement going on in another school.
  • For when you’re visiting a school and want make connections or feel out the vibe beforehand
  • For when you’re looking for grapplers to fill a local tournament and need athletes in a certain area

Filtering users by belt rank:

  • Maybe you’re curious what other grapplers at your level are doing
  • Maybe you just want to see high quality black belt material

In this example, we select all the California 10th Planet gyms to see all Cali grapplers. We then further filter on belt ranks to get a list of "California black belts" or "California purple belts"

Understanding User Filters: Match Any vs Match All

When selecting multiple items from a list, there are two types of filtering behaviors

  • Match Any = For an item to appear, it must contain AT LEAST ONE of the specified filters
  • Match All = For an item to appear, it must contain ALL of the specified filters

Match All has tighter requirements, so fewer items will be returned.

In this example, we select two gyms: HQ and Jacksonville.
With "Match Any", all users who attend 10pHQ AND all users who attend 10p Jacksonville appear.

With "Match All", only users who attend BOTH 10pHQ AND 10p Jacksonville appear.

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