Technique Library
Apply intelligent search and filter queries to a library of techniques to display techniques fitting specific requests

Select a technique from the library to view videos containing that technique - the video will start playing at the technique you selected
Rubber Guard Submissions
  1. Apply Filters
    • Position Category = Rubber Guard
    • Type = Submission
  2. View the list of all rubber guard submission techniques
  3. Select a technique from the list to view all videos containing that technique
  4. Select a video to watch the technique performed - the video will start playing at the specified technique
Mount Escapes
  1. Apply Filters
    • Position Category = Mount
    • Transition Category = Escape
  2. View the list of all mount escape techniques
  3. Select a technique from the list to view all videos containing that technique
  4. Select a video to watch the technique performed - the video will start playing at the specified technique
Submissions by Joint
  1. Apply Submission Category filters to select the body part you'd like to see attacked
  2. View the list of submission techniques for the selected joint
  3. Select a technique from the list to view all videos containing that technique
  4. Select a video to watch the technique performed - the video will start playing at the specified technique
Search Technique by Name
  1. Use the search bar to enter the name of the desired technique
  2. View the list of techniques containing your query
  3. Select a technique from the list to view all videos containing that technique
  4. Select a video to watch the technique performed - the video will start playing at the specified technique
Understanding Filters

When multiple items are selected for filtering, there are two ways to handle the query

  1. Match All: For a technique to appear, it must contain ALL selected filter items
  2. Match Any: For a technique to appear, it must contain at least one of the selected filter items

"Match All" is a tighter search requirement, therefore it will return fewer results.

In this example, ankle and knee are selected as the submission category filters.

  • Match All: only submissions that attack BOTH ankle and knee appear.  
  • Match Any:  all submissions that attack the ankle appear AND all submissions that attack the knee appear.
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